Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fishing Trip - Pulau Aman

Halooo....it has been a while kan. Sorry lah. Supermom sibuk kat dapoq. Hehehe. But i never forget to visit my fellow bloggers blogs everyday...ulangan ok...i said everyday tau ....eg: Zarin, Masayu, JalanRebung, Lady, Azmiezas, Zaila, Nana, Nana Huslina, Sis Lemon Grass, Puan Ann, Eynda, Zhaneez Craft, Rizalman, Iffil, Siti Sifir, Ai, Ermayum dll (sekadar menyebut beberapa nama). Entering 2010 was not as simple as i thought. Many things ready & awaiting for me either at work or home - supermom lah kata kan :).

Whatever it is, family time is still a must. Here are quick sharing on our recent fishing trip to Pulau Aman (again). Pulau Aman is a good lepaking space for fishing lovers and anak kampung like me. For those who get use to 4-5 stars hotel, Pulau Aman is not for you. You can just go there and makan2 at retoran terapung yang ownernya begitu sombong itu (ikut angin lah kan tahap kesombongannya itu). If you want to get chalet you can choose with or without kitchen. So, that's about it.

Ticket price for Pulau Aman. I mean the boat ok. RM6 for adult & RM4 for children. KOnsep sapa cepat dia berebut masuk boat dulu ya. Hehehe. Bila lah Malaysian nak grown up kan about this sivic concious kan. Malu kat tourist and the kids.

Cad tersongeh at one of the sign board. Pulau Aman ni has a very good tourism potential. Tapi tu lah kan. Macam tak di ambil peduli. Landscaping pun tak de. Sampah merata2. Very sad.

Tu yang kaler coklat tu chalet yang we all lepak lah. RM160 per nite. Kiranya sebuah rumah kampung lah. Itu yang mak abah suka tu. Rasa macam kat rumah sendiri. Kalu tidak mesti dah ajak balik tu maktok tu. Ada 2 bilik (with aircond) ada dapoq & 2 hall utk lepak2.

Encik hubby sampai ja terus baling pancing kat belakang chalet. Nice view. Bukak ja pintu dapoq terus buleh pancing. Rezeki aritu...sekali baling ja terus sangkut ikan duri. Besaq jugak.

Isyraf posing @ new jetti aka tempat para pemancing tegar melayan the fishing session at Pulau Aman. Kalau malam penuh sesak sini.

Irfan...pemancing tegar tu...paling banyak dapat ikan. Ibu memang tabik spring lah kat abang!

Lokasi melayan remis.

Walla!...masak lemak cili api. Manis sungguh. Very fresh.

The kids dok kutip siput & baby crab.

Ini adalah restoran terapung pulau aman. While enjoying the mee udang the kids were asking for udang goreng. And the mummy asked the taukeh.."pakcik, tolong buat udang goreng untuk 4 orang ya. Terima kasih". And the taukeh replied.."hari ni tak senang nak layan"...gulp...what a...%*&?...luckily my hubby & abah were away to restroom....i am sure world war 3 will then meletus. and the kids then asked the ibu.."kenapa pakcik tu nak kena cakap macam tu. bukan kah kita mai nak makan & bayaq duit kan ibu?". hadoi...i am so malu with the kids. pakcik taukeh...please lah...i know you are so stressful with a bunch of customers but dont do that lah pakcik. hehehe...sekian.